How To Propose a Flexible Work Schedule

A flexible work schedule allows you to work hours that are different from the typical 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday routine. You may come in later and leave later, work your 40 hours in only four days, or work from home

Check Company Policy 

Some companies may have flexible work schedule policies in writing, but your department’s head could be uncertain about implementing that policy

Discover the Decision-Maker

If your company doesn’t have a flexible scheduling policy, prepare to discuss the topic with leadership

Make an Appointment

Get time on the calendar, and give advance notice regarding the topic.

Create a Proposal

If you are speaking with executives, research and pinpoint the angle for your flexible work argument and why that angle matters


Incorporate the company and team goals into your request, whether or not a policy is in place.

Stay in Communication

Suggest a three-week pilot period to test  the new flexible work schedule and adjust as needed,