Brush Stroke

Redefining the 'Ideal Worker': Embracing Inclusion Over Availability

Brush Stroke


The 'Ideal Worker' Stereotype: Is it still relevant?

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The Challenges

Caregivers, individuals with disabilities, and underrepresented groups face challenges with the 'ideal worker' norm.

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The Shift

Today's workforce values flexibility over constant availability.

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Measure Outputs

Focus on measurable outputs like ROI, sales, and NPS rather than mere presence.

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360-Degree Feedback

Holistic feedback from peers, clients, and managers for a comprehensive performance view.

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Calibrating Performance

Evaluate based on both results and behaviors for a fair assessment

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Key Behaviors

Inclusivity, humility, empathy, and trust are vital for engaging diverse perspectives

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Cherish inclusion and actual work over mere responsiveness for a thriving work culture.