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7 Ways Manager Can Motivate Their Employees






A manager has many duties. One of the most important ones is to motivate and inspire employees.


The positive assessment from a superior position can be a powerful spur to productivity.

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Encourage autonomy

People are happier and more motivated if they feel they are in charge of their own destiny

Treat them with respect

Simply acting as if your workers are competent, sensible, and trustworthy can be a powerful motivator all on its own.

Allow honest criticism and complaints

.Your subordinates will be much happier if you let them voice their complaints openly and plainly.

Ensure a healthy work life balance

Workers can only be happy and energetic in an environment that respects the need to balance work and free time.

Be fair

Adjudicate any disputes between employees in an impartial, even-handed way. While you’ll especially appreciate certain workers

Pay them more

. It isn’t just about having more money — an employee’s salary is also a sign of how much the company values them.