Brush Stroke

7 Ways For New Leaders To Develop Their Leadership Skills

Brush Stroke

.Leadership, after all, is not about being an expert in your industry -- it's about being an expert in people management.

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Pursue Feedback

Excellent leaders are characterized by aggressively pursuing feedback.

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Share What You Know With Others

You can mentor others, offer what you know, share your questions, exchange insights, and keep learning.

Check Your Balance

True leadership is the healthy balance between the attention of your mind and the affection of your hear

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Establish A Discipline Of Reflection

Develop a habit of stopping the action occasionally to reflect and write -- what happened, what worked, what didn't, and what did I learn -- and you'll have thousands of learning experiences.

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Seek The Newest Ideas

Introduce yourself to new research and ideas so that you learn what is really required for people to outperform

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Pursue Training Programs

A structured experience designed to help individuals develop and enhance their leadership skills and abilities.

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Practice By Volunteering

Trainings and books are great, mentors are wonderful, but the only way to become a leader is to start leading