5 Ingenious Ways to Gamify Your Work for Increased Productivity

Turn Work into Play

They have fun at work! Discover 5 ways to gamify your work and boost productivity.

Master Your Inbox

Use platforms like Spike to make email feel like instant messaging and prioritize your messages effectively.

Master Your Inbox

Use platforms like Spike to make email feel like instant messaging and prioritize your messages effectively.

Task Leveling

Break it into smaller tasks and treat each as a level in a video game.

Make Meetings Matter

Spice them up by adding extra talking points that can lead to new discoveries and insights.

Visualize Your Success

Use mind maps to visualize complex strategies, helping you and your team see the big picture and focus on what really matters.

Race Against Time

Use time tracking techniques like the Pomodoro to set focused work intervals.

Reward Yourself

Set up rewards for completing tasks or levels. It could be a treat, a break, or anything that motivates you