12 High Demand Jobs

We’ve organized the list below by job growth rate. As you’ll notice, many of the jobs fall within the health care and technology industries, both of which are among the fastest growing industries.

Computer manager

Computer managers oversee a company’s network and IT services, ensuring users can access required software and tools without interruption


Paralegals support lawyers in a number of administrative ways, helping prepare research, documentation, and other important materials for briefs, cases, and trials.

Technical writer

Paralegals support lawyers in a number of administrative ways, helping prepare research, documentation, and other important materials for briefs, cases, and trials.

Web developer

Web developers create websites for brands, companies, and clients

Financial manager

Financial managers oversee a company’s finances, including their profits and expenditures.

Medical assistant

Medical assistants provide support in doctor’s offices, hospitals, and other medical facilities

Software developer

Software developers code and create software, apps, and make updates to existing interfaces, ensuring that everything runs smoothly

Market research analyst

They are a key part of a company’s market strategy because they investigate and provide actionable insights when it comes to competitors, customers, and new markets.

Substance abuse counselor

Substance abuse counselors work closely with people who are struggling with a substance abuse disorder, such as drugs or alcohol

Health services manager

Health services managers work behind the scenes in health care administration to keep doctor’s offices, hospitals, and other provider locations organized and on task.