How to Create a Successful LinkedIn Profile to Enhance Your Career Prospects

Professional profile picture

Having a crisp, well-lit, and professionally-dressed headshot taken will help you make a good first impression.

Write a Strong Summary

Highlighting your professional experience, talents, and successes as well as conveying your unique value proposition are all important goals for your summary to achieve.

Highlight Your Achievements

Don't be shy about boasting about your successes and highlighting the attributes that have helped you become an expert in your field.

List Your Experience

Include a chronological listing of your employment history (most current position first) and elaborate on your contributions in each position held.

Add Education and Certifications

Put in your years of schooling and any qualifications or training you may have gotten that are applicable.

Keep Your Profile Up to Date

Keep your profile up-to-date. This will demonstrate your career engagement and help you stay top-of-mind with potential employers or clients.

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