6 Signs of a Toxic Workplace Culture 

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Toxic Workplace Culture

If you're in a toxic work environment, it can have a massive impact on both your physical and mental health. Learn the warning signs of a toxic workplace culture so that you can take steps to change it for the better.

In a toxic workplace, you never feel that you are learning or growing as a professional, & you're always doing the same tasks with no clear sense of progression.

Lack of meaningful professional growth

One sign that your culture is toxic might be if all decision-making is handled in an autocratic manner, without input or collaboration from other departments or levels of employees.

Lack of transparency & communication

Sign that your workplace culture could be toxic is that your company doesn't consider individual needs when assigning workloads.

Lack of respect for individual needs

The decisions about promotions & other rewards are based on personal connections rather than merit, then there's a good chance that favoritism plays too big of a role in the decisions made by management

Favoritism & nepotism

It's a clear sign that something is going wrong with your workplace. If employees keep on leaving, it's very likely they are getting a bad experience from their work environment.

High employee turnover

You deserve to have a full life outside of work. It's crucial to have a work-life balance. No one should be expected to be on call all the time.

No work-life balance