Unlocking the Hiring Manager's Needs: A Guide for Job Seekers

As a job seeker, you're marketing yourself. Gain a competitive edge by focusing on the hiring manager's needs, not just your own.

Research the company's mission, vision, and culture. Show that you're not just looking for any job, but a career fit with this specific company.

Be More Than a Casual Applicant

Analyze the job description carefully. Look for repeated themes or keywords that hint at what the hiring manager is really looking for.

The Hidden Messages in Job Descriptions

Connect with people who have worked in the role or at the company. Their insights can provide valuable information

The Inside Scoop

The structure and questions of the interview can give you clues about what the hiring manager values, be it technical skills or cultural fit.

What the Interview Reveals

Prepare questions that you can naturally weave into the interview conversation.

Create a Dialogue, Not a Monologue

Ask about the most pressing objectives for the role. Show how your skills can meet these needs quickly if you're hired.

Address Immediate Needs

Ask the hiring manager to describe someone who excelled in the role.

What Does Success Look Like?