Building a Customer Service Culture: A Leader’s 3-Step Guide

Creating an exceptional customer service culture relies on more than superficialities. It requires clear purpose, guiding principles, and alignment in practice. Let’s dive into the three key steps.

Define Purpose

Write a clear and jargon-free sentence defining your business's purpose

Importance of Clarity

Make your purpose direct and easy to understand. It sets the expectation for everyone in the organization.

Set Guiding Principles

Create up to 12 essential principles that align with your purpose.

Principles in Action

These principles guide daily interactions, creating a cohesive customer-centric experience. 

Let Culture Drive Your Work

Hire for the psychological potential to serve customers and make culture clear from day one.

Reflect your cultural goals in talent management, applaud employees for pro-customer behavior, and gather input to make your culture stronger.

Talent Management & Recognition