Mastering Performance Reviews: A Step-By-Step Guide

Performance reviews engage and motivate employees when done right. They should foster open dialogue, align efforts, and drive improvement.

They are crucial for the overall success of your teams and organization.

The Importance of Performance Reviews

They help measure impact, define success, and plan for future achievements.

Sync Criteria, Goals, and Progress

Regular meetings ensure employees feel heard and improve overall performance.

Make Time for Performance Reviews

Utilize rich employee data from various sources like engagement surveys, 1-on-1 meeting notes, feedback.

Use Data-Driven Insights

A shared agenda and key talking points give both managers and employees a clear framework for the performance conversation.

Prepare an Agenda

Discuss these expectations prior to the meeting..

Align Expectations

While recognizing past performance is important, focusing on future development is what drives progress and aligns with employee wishes

Past Reflections, Future Focus

The right performance review questions drive insightful discussions and identify actionable ways to improve performance.

Ask the Right Questions