8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Changing Careers

What you learn about yourself can potentially keep you from heading down a wrong path, help you tweak your plan of attack, and boost confidence that you’re making the right decision.

Do I want a career change or just a new job?

An unhappy work situation doesn’t necessarily mean you’re in the wrong field. Other factors may be responsible for your dissatisfaction.

Do I understand what is involved in switching to this new career?

Entering an industry without knowing what you’re getting into can make your new career just as unsatisfying as your old one.

Would I take the risk of hiring a career changer?

When considering a career change, it is imperative to evaluate your background.

Would I take a pay cut to make the change?

, Examining what you’re willing to give up can offer critical insight into just how strongly you feel about making a change.

Am I willing to start in a lower position than the one I currently have?

How you would feel if you had to possibly start at the bottom of the career ladder again if you were to switch industries.

What matters beyond my career?

It’s inevitable that you might burn out from your job at some point in your career—even a job that you love. That’s why it’s important to understand why your job isn’t working for you

Failure to consult one’s significant other can put tremendous strain on the relationship and make the already stressful act of changing careers even harder.

Have I sufficiently discussed the matter with my family?